Thursday, October 1, 2015

"The Way I Feel Inside"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


I was playing through "The Way I Feel Inside" yester-day, and I discovered that the BACH motif is in the melody of the vocals… sort of.

(disclaimer that since I did the notation myself, it might be wrong)

I'd noticed before that there are three pairs of half-steps at the end of the first two sections (the "I want to say to-night"), but yester-day, I realized that the "to say to-night" pairs of half-steps have the same intervals as the BACH motif.  It's D C# E D#, not Bb A C B, but it's still the BACH motif!

I'm not sure whether Argent consciously inserted that or whether it's just subconscious influence, but it's really exciting to find such a strong connection to Bach.