Wednesday, March 18, 2020

"Remember You" [single version]

Last month, I re-learned and notated the bass part for the single version of "Remember You."  As always, there's the disclaimer that I might have something wrong:

Rather than use a second piece of paper for only a handful of measures, I squeezed together a few at the end.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


I recently re-learned the opening organ part to "Indication" (and while I still might not be note-perfect, comparison with my old recordings shows that I'm more accurate than I used to be).  Last night, I was thinking about the song, and I realized that "ev'ry day and ev'ry night" in the lines "I don't want to be / Tied down ev'ry day and ev'ry night" is a merism.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

"Hung up on a Dream"

This morning I listened to Odessey and Oracle and noticed a small thing in "Hung up on a Dream."  "Crowd" in the line "And from that nameless, changing crowd" is sung with a melisma (A G E, I think).  Since the word isn't sung to a single, constant pitch, there's a musical sense of that "changing."

Saturday, March 7, 2020

"The Way I Feel Inside"

Recently, I've been re-learning some parts that I never wrote down and have forgotten.  Last night, I re-learned and notated the bass part for "The Way I Feel Inside," and I thought I'd post it here (appropriately, on Chris White's birthday).

The bass plays only in the last section of the song, and there's a ritardando at the end.