Sunday, February 24, 2019

Drop-In 1966

A little over a week ago, I was thinking about the pictures in the back of the I Love You liner notes booklet.  A year or two ago, bigger versions of a handful of these were posted either directly on the Zombies' Facebook page in the Zombies Fan Club.  I don't remember which, and I can't seem to find that post again, but it doesn't really matter because I tracked down the originals on DigitaltMuseum:









The caption for each of these reads:  "Den brittiska popgruppen The Zombies uppträder på TV-programmet Drop-In 1966."  Translated from Swedish, this reads:  "The British pop group The Zombies act on the television program Drop-In 1966."  According to the Zombie Heaven liner notes, the Zombies' 1966 Scandinavian tour started on 5 November and ended on 20 November.  (The same page contains five pictures from this performance [including the seventh and eighth above] with the caption "Live on stage in Sweden, November 1966.")

My search on the DigitaltMuseum site resulted in only these eight pictures, but the I Love You liner notes booklet has at least twenty-five.  Presumably, the others exist somewhere, along with - perhaps - film footage of the performance.

In looking at these pictures again, I discovered that the cover of I Love You was almost certainly shot at the same time.  In the background of the sixth picture, one can make out a bit of netting and the white lines of the red-and-white-striped goal posts the group is standing within on the cover:

Paul, Chris, and Colin all seem to be wearing the same clothes as in the above pictures.