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I've been learning Italian for two years, and I've practiced it everyday since March. While I'm far from fluent, I'm getting pretty good, so I could pick out some more words in the lyrics. The first line starts with "È così triste" ("It's so sad"), which certainly sounds like a Zombies song. I also heard "Tu sei che" ("You know that"), "ma più di te" ("but more than you"), and - I think - "ci incontriamo" ("we meet"). It's an excruciatingly slow process, but I am transcribing and (sort of) translating it. Like I mentioned one other time, the Italian lyrics seem to depart from Argent's original lyrics.
After I listened to the album and was thinking about these Italian lyrics, I realized that the Zombies are half of the reason I started learning Italian in the first place. Chris White wrote "Brief Candles" loosely based on Aldous Huxley's book of short stories of the same title. About five years ago, I got a copy of Brief Candles, and when I was re-reading it two years ago, I felt kind of stupid because I couldn't understand the Italian phrases in "The Rest Cure," one of the stories. (At the same time, I was also reading Dante's Divine Comedy, and - even though this was an English translation - there were still some Italian phrases, with which I had the same problem.) So I started learning Italian on Duolingo. It seems to be going pretty well.