Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Work 'n' Play"

Backdated, archival post

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This morning, I was thinking about the harmonica part in "Work 'n' Play," specifically how one part of it is doubled on twelve-string guitar.  And I realized that the Beatles did this same thing on "Please Please Me."  That's six-string where "Work 'n' Play" is twelve-string, but still, it's a harmonica part doubled on guitar (or guitar part doubled on harmonica, whichever).

Because "Work 'n' Play" was written by Ken Jones though, I don't know if that's the Beatles' influence on Jones or on the Zombies.  That is, whether Jones wrote that part with joint harmonica and guitar or whether the Zombies arranged it like that based on what Jones gave them.  Of course, it could just be a coincidence that it's similar to "Please Please Me," but I don't know of any other song that doubled harmonica and guitar.