I was surprised to find that this is only the second time I've recorded "Walking in the Sun." I've had a note on my desktop for about a year to get around to recording it again because a month or so after I first recorded it, I realized how the guitar part actually goes. I'd been playing only one of a pair of notes and in the wrong octave. As I remember, I had trouble recording it the correct way, but sometimes between now and then, I figured out that if I angle my pick (which apparently you're supposed to do), it's not as piercing of a sound, which is what I'd been having problems with.
I went back and referenced my old recording for the bass part during the "You will laugh and walk with me" sections, but I'm still not sure if I have the rhythm right there.
I didn't remember that I'd included electric piano in my first recording, so, really, the only new part about that is that it doubles the bass part during the first half of the verses. As with most of the keyboard parts, what I have is extremely simplified. I'm pretty sure I have the right chords, but Argent elaborates them in way that's still mystifying to me.