Saturday, August 15, 2015

I Love You

Backdated, archival post

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Like I mentioned earlier, I listened to I Love You this morning, and I noticed a few other things:

The backing vocals in "How We Were Before" sing the chromatic phrase that's in the chords.  I don't know how I missed it before.  Also, I'd never thought about this before, but the bongos that Hugh Grundy used on "How We Were Before" are probably the same ones that he later used on "Changes" from Odessey and Oracle.

The guitar phrases in "You Make Me Feel Good" have glissandi.  I'd sort of been playing the second (the G# to A) that way, but the first is (I think) D# to E, not just E.

I haven't really figured out either, but the organ parts for "Leave Me Be" and "Sometimes" seem to have a bit of a relation.  Specifically, a three-note phrase that starts on the fifth of whatever chord is being played.  Both have a D major chord above which there's a A, B, C, B, A, B, C, B sort of figure.  I'm not extremely confident on that though.

At the end of "She Does Everything for Me," someone (I think it's Rod Argent) sings along to the last guitar phrase, and I realized that it's the same thing that he does at the end of "Indication," except that's with the electric piano part.