Saturday, August 22, 2015

"Beechwood Park"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


I wrote out the guitar parts for "Beechwood Park" to-day, and then I started doing the actual notation of the guitar and bass parts (I wrote out a whole page, which is only about half of the song, but the structure repeats, so it won't be too difficult to finish it).

I noticed this interesting rhythmic part just after "About your world, your summer world..." and again after "All roads in my mind...."  Except for that two-beat rest (during which the G major chord from the previous measure might still be sounding), the guitar plays quarter notes when the bass plays half notes and half notes when the bass plays quarter notes.  So there's this rhythmic alternating, which I hadn't noticed before (even though I often play these two parts together on piano).