Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Zombie Heaven

Backdated, archival post

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I listened to the third disc of Zombie Heaven to-day, and I noticed some more things:

1.  At about 1:38 in the instrumental version of "Nothing's Changed," it sounds like Rod Argent is playing rolled chords simultaneously on electric piano and organ (they're not really chords, but that's the best I can describe it), which - especially to someone like me who isn't very good at keyboards - is nothing short of amazing.  (I've tried it; I can sort of do one, but not both at once.)

Those simultaneously keyboard rolls correspond to the solo in the final version, but they're not in the final version!  I really liked the song even before I noticed those keyboard parts, but they add so much that it's unfathomable that they were taken out, especially because the solo that is there is pretty much just guitar chords.  There's part of a descending C major scale in the organ part, but it wasn't until I split the stereo track from the Decca Stereo Anthology that I even knew it was there.

2.  I'm pretty sure that there's twelve-string guitar even on the demo version of "Don't Go Away."

3.  There are organ parts throughout "One Day I'll Say Goodbye."  I feel pretty dumb I hadn't noticed them before, but I hadn't listened to that song for at least a year, and it's only recently that I've started listening really closely to what instruments are in the songs.