Saturday, November 1, 2014


Backdated, archival post

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When I decided to transcribe the lyrics to some Colin Blunstone songs, I started with "Wonderful" from Journey.  I'd never noticed the intricacy of the rhyme scheme of the first verse:
I can see the bright line
Of the runway light shine
Coming on the night flight
From out the sky
In the first two lines, there are actually two words at the end of each line that rhyme with the next line ("bright" with "light" and "line" with "shine").  And the third line ends with two words ("night flight") that rhyme with the first of the pair from the previous two lines ("bright" and "light").

The other verses don't follow this pattern, but even writing just one verse with this arrangement seems difficult to me, so I think it's understandable that the other verses don't follow it.