Monday, February 24, 2025

As Far As I Can See

A few years ago, I wrote a post about how the cover of Begin Here bears some resemblance to the cover of With the Beatles.  In both, the band members' faces are lit primarily from one side.

I recently started reading the final section of The "Odessey": The Zombies in Words and Images where As Far As I Can See is referred to (but not actually named; the book just says that the Zombies "released an album of new material in 2004"), and I realized that the cover of As Far As I Can See is even more similar to With the Beatles than Begin Here is.  The cover is in black and white (aside from the O in "The Zombies," which features a bit of the Odessey and Oracle cover art), and the contrast in the lighting is more extreme so that - like the Beatles - only half of Rod's face is visible.