Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"Hold Your Head Up"

The last thing I noticed when I listened to Encore a few days ago is that at ~1:52 in "Hold Your Head Up," Rod Argent plays a very brief quotation of "Antioch," the tune to which "Joy to the World" is sung.  (For what it's worth, a couple years ago, I discovered that Argent also quotes from "Antioch" in "Be Glad" on In Deep.)

I also revisited the quotation of "Cwm Rhondda" (from ~6:01 to ~6:27).  I wrote about it years ago, but since then, I've learned how to format notation better.  Argent's quotation* is in red; the section of "Cwm Rhondda" that he's drawing from is in black:

In "Cwm Rhondda," this is played only once, but Argent plays it twice (with some variation).  I put the six measures from "Cwm Rhondda" under both lines of Argent's part for easier comparison, and I adjusted the width of some of the measures for something of a one-to-one relationship.

*I should specify that this is what he plays on Moog.  Simultaneously, he's playing organ, and while much of that simply doubles what he's playing on Moog, there are differences that I haven't even ventured to figure out yet.