Monday, October 15, 2018

"Gotta Get a Hold of Myself"

Years ago, I noticed that in "Gotta Get a Hold of Myself," after the line "Late at night I hear footsteps sound down the hall," there's a descending bass part, apparently to represent those footsteps musically.  This morning, I was thinking about this feature again and realized that there's more to it than that.

Here's the bass part for that line:

Although there are a number of accidentals, the notes in the last two measures are fairly conjunct.  The intervals are mostly half steps or whole steps, so there are musical "steps" in the bass part to represent the footsteps in the lyrics.

Looking at this again now, it strikes me that those accidentals could hold some significance.  For those two measures, all of the flats in C minor are made natural, resulting in a section of a C major scale.  This turn from minor to major is the same sentiment expressed in that verse: the singer/speaker is "kid[ding] myself that you're coming back after all," and so there's a glimmer of happiness.