Sunday, October 2, 2016

"A Rose for Emily"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


I have more notation this week (albeit late at night because my internet connection's been atrocious)!  For the last week or two, I've been working on the cello part in "A Rose for Emily" (I'm hoping that becoming familiar with the cello part will help in figuring out the mellotron part).  After spending some time trying to figure it out from the version on Zombie Heaven, I realized that by splitting the track, I could hear it better because it was a bit more isolated.  And then I split the track with cello and mellotron from the 30th anniversary edition of Odessey and Oracle, and I found that it's even easier to hear there.  So I think what I have is more accurate than if I'd just listened to the tracks as they are on the CDs.

I'm a bit unsure of the key, but I put it in A major because that's what the song resolves to.  I have a couple piano markings, but they apply only to the notes they're above (C#s).

It wasn't until going over this again before I scanned it that I discovered that there's an-other Argentian three-note chromatic phrase.  At the end of the fifth line into the sixth, there's G# A Bb.  (Although maybe I shouldn't be mixing sharps and flats like that.)

For some reason, as I was going over this, it kept reminding me of "Greensleeves," but - so far, at least - I can't really find any resemblance.

Anyway, notation: