Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"I'll Call You Mine"

Backdated, archival post

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Because I learned the bass part for it about a month ago, I decided to start with "I'll Call You Mine" from the four songs the Zombies recorded fifty years ago to-day.  I attempted the vocals too, which sort of buried the bass part, but whatever.  I was surprised to find that this is only the second time I've recorded "I'll Call You Mine" for this project.  The last time was in 2013.

I'm sure I don't have Rod's harmony part right, and I think there's an-other vocal part I'm missing during the "I'll call you mine"s during the choruses (so I just doubled the one I knew).  The piano part is just a pale representation of what it should be too.

Still, I thought this turned out fairly well, considering my voice isn't as good as any of theirs.