Friday, May 8, 2015

Rain Imagery

Backdated, archival post

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I was still thinking about the rain images in Zombies songs, and - in a supreme coincidence - I was playing "Maybe after He's Gone" on electric piano while it was raining outside, which reminded me of "She told me she loved me / With words as soft as morning rain."

I sort of remembered a rain image in Argent's "Pleasure," but I had to look that up to confirm it ("My love is full of pleasure / Falling rain to cool my aching face").  Since I've been transcribing the lyrics, I can just do a search for "rain."  There are some more references on the later albums (like Out of the Shadows and As Far as I Can See), but the only other one I'll mention is from "Keep on Rollin'" - "Move just like a river / Fall like the morning rain."  Like "Maybe after He's Gone," that's even morning rain, specifically.