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Yester-day I recorded the guitar parts for my annual Odessey and Oracle, and I discovered something.
I don't know if I've written a post about it specifically, but I think I've mentioned this idea I have about the coherence of the album - that part of it is just because the musicality of the songs is similar.
In any case, I found an-other instance of that. I'd forgotten the chords for parts of "This Will Be Our Year" (I really need to start writing things down), and it took me awhile before I came up with them again (B, Dm, A). Once I did, I realized that the same three chords (in a different order - A, B, Dm, A) comprise a section in "Maybe after He's Gone."
I think it's also significant that part of "Brief Candles" has the progression D, A, D, B. That's D major instead of D minor, but I still think it belongs in the same group. Besides, the D minor in "This Will Be Our Year" is later raised to a D major.