Saturday, October 3, 2015

"I Know She Will"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


Last night I figured out the flute parts for the overdubbed version of "I Know She Will."  I've known the three-note phrase at the end for a long time already.  The other parts just double existing parts from the Decca-era recording: the vocal part during the verses (which I think is Argent) and the guitar solo.

I used the fake flute setting on my keyboard because I don't own and don't know how to play a flute... yet.

I had to re-learn sections of the bass part for this, so I should probably write that down so I'll still have it if I forget it again.

Also, I discovered that I had an E note in the wrong octave in the guitar part, and I think there's an Esus4 that I was missing.

I think Mike Vickers played flute for the overdub, although I did some research and couldn't find anything to confirm it.  He's credited with the arrangement though, and the Zombie Heaven liner notes say that he played flute on "Smokey Day," which - along with the overdubs to some of the Decca-era material - was recorded in December 1968.  So it's pretty likely that it is Vickers.