Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Beechwood Park"

Backdated, archival post

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On Thursday, I played through almost all the bass parts on Odessey and Oracle (the bass part in "Brief Candles" is too short, and I don't know the bass part for "Friends of Mine" yet), and I realized that I've been playing part of "Beechwood Park" wrong.  During the "And I can't forget you, won't forget you, won't forget those days" part, there are pairs of bass notes ("notes" as in "pitches") for each chord, but when that part is repeated, there's only a single note (played twice) for the first two chords, and no notes for the last two.

Because I had that wrong, now I'm worried that there are other parts of this that are incorrect.  In listening to the recording, I noticed a higher organ note, so I think it plays a third (B, D#) during the introductory phrase and then that 4th-to-3rd transition (B, E to B, D#) along with the guitar.

I should also note that some of the organ phrases are incomplete.