Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Beechwood Park"

Backdated, archival post

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Last time I did a version of "Beechwood Park," I thought it sounded weird because "I played a B major on guitar and an E note on the organ, and they don't go to-gether."  (This is why I didn't play those guitar chords when I did a rough version of the whole album in January.)  That specifically was not the problem.  I was right in thinking it's not a B major, but the problem I had in December was that erroneous B major conflicting with a G note, not an E.

In any case, I was playing some Zombies songs last night, and "Beechwood Park" came up on shuffle on my practise playlist, and I just happened to play a G major where I had that trouble spot, and it worked.

And then later I felt really stupid because the chord progression in that section is Em D C G, which is a really simple (perhaps even over-used) chord progression, and had I realized that I already had third fourths of it, maybe it wouldn't have taken so long to get that G major.

Also, I fixed some tempo problems in the "summer world" section.  I had been coming in too early with the partial organ chords.  Still, this particular recording isn't as tight as I'd like it to be.

The little organ parts I added as a rough approximation don't seem to go with the rest of the parts, so I guess that's the next thing to work on with this song.  Although I think the bass part follows the organ part through half of the song, so maybe that would be easier to learn first.