Monday, January 6, 2014


Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


It seems like I post a version of "Changes" every few months.  This time, I think I've figured out how to do the panning from hard left to hard right.  For almost four years, aside from "This Will Be Our Year" and "Time of the Season," I'd heard Odessey and Oracle only in stereo, so, for me, that panning was as much a part of the song as the mellotron.  So many parts on the album work so well in stereo, that it's weird to think that it was originally planned to be only in mono.

Anyway.  I'm not sure if the way I did the panning is the same way that the Zombies did it, but it's a method I'm really excited about (I wrote a whole page about ways I could use it).