Sunday, November 12, 2023

"In My Mind a Miracle"

I listened to As Far As I Can See... yester-day and noticed a significant contrast in "In My Mind a Miracle."  At the beginning of the first verse, the organ drops out completely, and the other instruments (electric piano, guitar, bass, and drums) play with softer dynamics or fewer notes compared to what they played in the preceding chorus.  This change highlights the paucity in the lyrics there:  "When I was young, I didn't notice much."

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

"Hung up on a Dream"

A couple weeks ago, I realized that the line "I stood astounded staring hard" in "Hung up on a Dream" exhibits consonance.  I thought there was some significance to this, but it took me a while to sort it out.  Because that particular sound doesn't change from word to word, there's almost a sense of the narrator's being frozen in wonder while looking at the "men with flowers resting in their hair."