Friday, June 26, 2015

"Don't Go Away"

Backdated, archival post


I wanted to learn the whole bass part for "Don't Go Away" before I recorded it, but I got only a few sections (and they're the super easy sections where there are only two or three notes).

I still need to work on getting my twelve-string guitar tone to match Paul Atkinson's.  My arpeggiation of the G major in the introduction is closer to the original now (I still have some doubts), but I need to put some work into the A major arpeggiation.  I think it's a different voicing than what I use, but I find it difficult to make that transition fast enough.

While listening to my recording (just to make sure there weren't any technical flaws), I started playing a few phrases from the vocal melody, and I discovered that it contains both C and C#.  Since the song is (I'm pretty sure) in D major, that C is an accidental.  So now I want to figure out the rest of the vocal melody to find out where those accidentals fall in the lyrics and see if there's any significance to them.  However, I'm suspicious that the "When the first light of the day comes into sight / You'll go from me" sections are in a different key (they contain F major chords), so there might not be anything to those C notes.