Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"Sleep Won't Help Me"

Backdated, archival post

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I inexplicably got to thinking about Argent's "Sleep Won't Help Me" this morning.  I was actually interested in the vocal melody because it pretty much follows the scale (at least as much of the melody as I've learned does), but then I learned the bass part.  Well, I learned the bass part up until it changes during the solos.

I hadn't noticed this really cool part where it sort of descends but doubles back.  It's not that easy to explain.  It's F Bb Eb Ab D G C.  Just listening to the song, I hadn't noticed that; it was only in learning the bass part that I started paying attention to it.

I briefly mentioned "Sleep Won't Help Me" in a post half a year ago, but this is the first musical part of it I've learned, so it's new to the catalogue.