Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"I'll Call You Mine"

Backdated, archival post

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I remember reading an article about the Zombies that said something about "distantly related chords" in "You Make Me Feel Good," which was sort of hilarious because the chords in "You Make Me Feel Good" are pretty standard.  It's mostly just the tonic, sub-dominant, and dominant chords in E major - which are the basis of nearly every three-chord song.  The only weird thing is the G# major, but even that still fits in the E major scale - it's a chord built on the major third.

But "I'll Call You Mine"…  Now that has weird chords.  So much so that I'm still questioning whether I have them right.  The chorus is pretty standard fare - G Em D C.  But the verses!  I think it's something like G E F D (which is what I play).

It seems weird to me that there are chords so close together yet none of them are minor.  Or even built on accidentals.  I would say that this is in G major, but the F major chord conflicts with that because the F has a sharp in the G major scale.  So….

Also, I play the piano riff (or most of it) on guitar because I don't know it that well on piano yet..  Also because playing it on guitar is simpler (I don't need to play so many notes, most of which I don't know yet).